…well that sucked!

I’ve actually been feeling very indifferent about the AC finale since I watched it (and while I was watching it, because honestly, it was the opposite of compelling) because I fully expected it to be as bad as the rest of the season, which it was (well, the second to last scene was worse, and it did make me feel something: utter disgust). At least I’m not disappointed, because I was expecting such shit, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy about it. I’m pissed off but eerily calm about it. Like, it’s really strange to me how calm I am.

I can’t even list all the reasons why S2 was the worst because I’d have to write an essay and I’m in no mood to do that now. Maybe some other time.

God, I miss when watching new Marvel stuff was acually enjoyable. Although it’s nice to have gone from feeling hurt and upset and disappointed over the shit they pull to just hurt and upset.

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