The Girl Has Got it Rough: “Agent Carter” season 2


the moment that leaves the bitterest taste of all is Jarvis’s halting
description of the motion picture he is pretending to cast Whitney
Frost in. She will play a spy, a female Agent. “Any
love interest?”
Frost asks. “We
haven’t found the right actor yet,”
he temporizes, suggesting, unintentionally perhaps, that this might
turn out to be a different sort of movie, one where the lady spy can
carry the plot without a romance. In a world where that movie
existed, Frost would never have had to become a villainess. And in
that world, season 2 of “Agent Carter” wouldn’t be bogged
down in unconvincing romantic subplots. The writers might have
thought hard about the characters, discovered what their motives
were, where to hit them where it hurt, and season 2 could have been a
romp and a thrill ride.

The Girl Has Got it Rough: “Agent Carter” season 2

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