eggycarton: Agent Carter season 2 just makes!!! me!!!!! so!!!!!! mad!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Girl Has Got it Rough: “Agent Carter” season 2

nike-ravus: Perhaps the moment that leaves the bitterest taste of all is Jarvis’s halting description of the motion picture he is pretending to cast Whitney Frost in. She will play a spy, a female Agent. “Any love interest?” Frost asks. “We haven’t found the right actor yet,” he temporizes, suggesting, unintentionally perhaps, that this might…

nihilistelektra: it’s not a coincidence that peggy/angie was the most popular ship in season 1 of carter and then angie all but disappears in season 2  they keep their queercoded villain – dottie, who’s “evil with lesbian tendencies,” an easy-to-swallow subtext guaranteed to remain that way – but peggy’s wholesome potential romance with the diner…

That “Agent Carter S2: why it was the worst” essay-long post I wasn’t in the mood to write before? I wrote it. And as I expected it’s very, very long, so putting it under a cut. This is literally just me writing down everything which, in my opinion, was wrong about the second season (and also…

…well that sucked! I’ve actually been feeling very indifferent about the AC finale since I watched it (and while I was watching it, because honestly, it was the opposite of compelling) because I fully expected it to be as bad as the rest of the season, which it was (well, the second to last scene…

puggycarters: hey, remember that crush peggy had on sousa in season one???? yeah no me neither